The Deeds of Wiprecht


(as will be clearly evident to those wanting to know).
At the same time, the august Emperor Henry [III], the son of that Emperor Conrad [II] who succeeded Henry [II] the Pious, became master of the highest of affairs. By his hard work, with divine grace cooperating, the res publica was enjoying the security of peace. Under him, among the rest of the princes, Margrave Udo of Stade, was ruling. —in exchange for the region of the Balsami—
After some time, just as he was becoming known to everyone—who he was and how great—so also, by contrast with others, he more frequently drew attention to all those things he was wisely considering.
At that time, war and the greatest dissension arose between King Henry [IV], the son of the aforesaid Emperor Henry [III], and the Saxons, such that people despaired it could not be settled without bloodshed (perish the thought!). The emperor had in mind to make an expedition into Lombardy and Italy—and to avoid the turbulent faction of Saxons at the same time. Wiprecht therefore judged this to be a convenient time to complete the business that he had in mind.
They met up with the army at Ulm, a city in Swabia.
After he had accomplished these things and commenced along the road, he approached the regions of Italy.
Yet everyone should take note of the active resolve and industrious effort of this man in respect to the king's service. After a period of seven years' time had been completed, only five milites from his own sixty and merely nine of the three hundred Czechs who had obeyed his will were left to him. With spirits unshaken and fully prepared for whatever danger might approach, they went headlong into death in their barbaric manner.
Standing around the emperor then were the archbishops of Mainz and Cologne, the bishops of Halberstadt and Münster, the abbots of Fulda and Hersfeld, and the other princes, along with the Czech youth. —namely five hundred shallow bowls, just as many silver and gold dishes, and 4,000 marks— The emperor sought Wiprecht’s advice as to how to send off the Czech as befits imperial honour. Wiprecht said: 'In this, it will seem enough if you offer sufficient silver for his and his men’s expenses, along with two bowls and as many dishes. Also, you should bestow two dishes on each of his milites, together with two sets of clothes, as is fitting the royal munificence. In addition, by letters you should make known to his father every act of strength they accomplished in your company.' Approving his advice, the emperor inquired once more:
When everything had at last been set up around him according to his desire, Wiprecht, so as not to misuse the tranquillity of the time granted to him by God, now pondered how he might become fortunate before God. It was as if he heard the very author of his salvation threatening him, 'Transgressors, take it again to heart!'
Thus were these things happily accomplished.
There too, he was received with not a little exultation.
In the same year,
What things were handed over to our church after these, by his children and by very many other people loyal to him, we will mention in the appropriate place; now let us return to those things from which we digressed a little.
At Aachen, on the Lord’s Epiphany [6 January], Emperor Henry made his son Henry V king. One of them, Ludiger, who afterwards became abbot in Reinsdorf, was appointed his prior. —where the lady Sigena, his mother, had been married in Lengenfeld (as we remember having said before )—
We transcribe a copy of it here, as an example:
Hence, he sent in his place a miles by the name Luvo (a familiar of his, diligent in dealing with business and lawsuits) to Rome, to the threshold of the apostles. Luvo was to bind that monastery to the Roman liberty by faithful representation and to bring it about that the pope give a privilege concerning this same transfer. Therefore, the lord pope Paschal, the second of this name, administering the vicarship of blessed Peter, was made aware of the reasons for Luvo's journey. Supported by apostolic authority, he sanctioned the monastery of Pegau by this confirmation of the privilege and with the impression of his seal:
In the same year, Emperor Henry III [IV] died. In the year of the Lord 1107. In the year of the Lord 1108.