

789. From Aachen a campaign was launched with the help of God into the land of the Slavs who are called Wilzi. On the advice of Franks and Saxons [Charlemagne] crossed the Rhine at Cologne, advanced through Saxony, reached the River Elbe, and had two bridges constructed, on one of which he built fortifications of wood and earth at both ends. From there he advanced further and by the gift of God subjected the Slavs to his authority. Both Franks and Saxons were with him in this army. In addition, the Frisians joined him by ship, on the River Havel, along with some Franks. He also had with him the Slavs called Sorbs and Abodrites, whose chieftain was Witzin.1
795. [Charlemagne] entered Saxony with an army and reached the Elbe at Lüne. At that time, Witzin, the king of the Abodrites, was slain there by the Saxons.2
798. The Nordliudi were defeated in battle when they engaged Thrasco, duke of the Abodrites, and our envoy Eburis.3
819. [The Abodrite king Sclaomir was deposed by a Frankish army and his kingdom given to Ceadrag, son of Thrasco.]4
839. Two expeditions were mounted: a Saxon one against the attacks of the Sorbs and Wilzi who had recently left several villae of the Saxon March in flames; and a combined Austrasian-Thuringian one against the rebellious Abodrites and the people called the Linones ... Meanwhile the Saxons fought a battle at Kesigesburg against those Sorbs who are called the Colodici and thanks to heavenly help won the victory. The Sorbian king Czimislav was killed and Kesigesburg and eleven forts were captured. Another king was hurriedly made amidst all these upheavals, and oaths were taken from him and hostages too, and much of their land was confiscated.5
844. Louis crushed the Abodrites in battle, who had been preparing to defect from his allegiance; as their king Goztomuizli had been killed, he had the land and people which God had brought under his yoke ruled by duces.6
858. Louis... returned to Frankfurt, and, after he had discussed and dealt with many things of importance for the kingdom with his men, decided that three armies should be sent to different frontiers of his kingdom. The first, under Carloman his eldest son, he sent against the Moravian Slavs and Rastiz; a second under Louis, his younger son, against the Abodrites and Linones; the third was sent under Thaculf against the Sorbs who refused to obey his commands.7
862. In the same year the king led an army against the Abodrites and compelled their dux Tabomuizli, who had rebelled, to be obedient and to give his son and others as hostages.8
867. Louis king of Germany sent his son Louis to campaign with the Saxons and Thuringians against the Abodrites.9
889. [King Arnulf] went against the Abodrites with a great army, but little was accomplished there, however, and the king gave the army leave to depart and returned to Frankfurt in great haste.10
[929. Henry I campaigns successfully against Hevelli, taking Brandenburg11; against Daleminzi, taking Gana; against Bohemians, taking Prague; also made Abodrites, Wilzi, and Redarii tributary; Redarii rebelled, taking Walsleben; Saxons respond by besieging Lenzen, a battle described in detail.]12
931. King Henry subjugated the Abodrites.13
[939. mutual border incursions; king's campaign against Abodrites]14
955. King Otto contended most perilously against the Abodrites, whom Ekbert, the son of his maternal aunt, had gathered against him.15
[957. The final campaigns of Wichmann against Mieszko of the 'Licicaviki', the Liutizi, the Wagrians, and the Abodrites; he later joined with the Slavs called Wuloini (i.e., from Wollin) against Mieszko, who called in aid from Boleslav of Bohemia.]16
[983. Peoples Christian and tribute-paying rose up in response to Margrave Dietrich's arrogance. On 29 July, they invaded Havelberg and destroyed the cathedral. Three days later, they attacked Brandenburg. Bohemians under Dedi took Zeitz. Other Slavs sacked the monastery of St. Laurence at Calbe. Duke Mistui of the Abodrites ravaged Hamburg. Thirty bands on horse and foot burned and pillaged as far as the Tanger river. A force annihilated some of the enemy; at night, some of these Slavs escaped.]17
990. In this year the Saxons twice laid waste the Abodrites in a powerful attack. Many of them and especially the most noteworthy were killed, others were murdered in the river. By the grace of God, the Saxons returned with peace and victory. Mieszko and Boleslav, dukes of the Slavs, contended amongst themselves with serious hostility.18
995. King Otto lay waste the Abodrites, and overthrew their burgs and fortresses. Boleslaw, son of Mieszko, brought him aid with a large army, and also the Bohemians came with the son of the other Boleslav. And the king took himself to Saxony with a vast army. … The Slavs lay waste to Saxony by frequent attack.19